Introverts...are they shrinking violets...doomed to be the wallflower at the dance? The person who never speaks up...or takes risks? Is he the guy that is afraid to ask the girl he likes to the prom. Hardly. That person is shy. There's a difference.
There was an interview on All Things Considered tonight with Susan Cain who wrote the book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking." Cain points out in the interview "Introversion is really about having a preference for lower stimulation environments. So it's just a preference for quiet, for less noise, for less action. Whereas extroverts really crave more stimulation in order to feel at their best. ..."
I've taken the Myers Briggs more than once. I'm an introvert. (I'm an INTP.) It means I'm driven from within. Susan Cain's book is about valuing differences and appreciating the different ways people think. Some Introverts include Gandhi, Joe DiMaggio, Mother Teresa and Bill Gates.
Check out the interview on NPR's Website.
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