Tuesday, January 17, 2012

SD Governor Says Foster Care Report Flawed

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard said he didn’t gain any useful information from a controversial 2011 public radio series on American Indian foster children in South Dakota. Daugaard repeated his assertion to the editorial board of the Daily Republic that NPR investigative reporter Laura Sullivan made up her mind before she came to South Dakota.  Daugaard declined to speak with Sullivan about the key points in the story. The Governor pre-responded to the series sending emails to South Dakota media outlets claiming that Sullivan was biased and unwilling to listen to all sides of the story.

While Daugaard was part time Lt. Governor of South Dakota he was also CEO of the Children's Home Society. CHS deals with many foster care cases in South Dakota.

The Governor's office contacted NPR's Ombudsman. EDWARD SCHUMACHER-MATOS says he is looking into the series and will have a report soon.

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