Monday, January 9, 2012

Diet and ADHD

NPR's Food Blog highlights a report from the journal "Pediatrics" about food and ADHD. Elimination diets were touted just a few years ago but, it has been found that elimination of junk food alone is not that effective. Diet can be complimentary to treatment. According to Benjamin Prince, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital tells us kids with ADHD usually need medicine and good diets.
There are three elements to a good diet:

Eat a protein-rich breakfast.
Cut back on sugary treats and processed foods.
Fish oil and omega-3 supplements.

You can find out more by linking to the blog (the salt) and, you can listen to the story. There's a link on the blog. It was aired on Morning Edition.

Stories about childhood learning and behavior are an interest of mine. I'm currently on the board of Focus Center for Autism. If you are too please check out their Facebook page and website. 

Focus needs your support. While there click on the donate tab to find out more. 

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