Thursday, January 19, 2012

Phoebe Snow

I was listening to Hearing Voices from NPR last night. In one of the segments they were remembering some of the notable people who passed in 2011. Among them, Phoebe Snow. In a loose sort of way I have a connection with her. Of course, her music touched me. Poetry Man was like nothing else on the pop charts when it was released in the mid-seventies. It drew me to her music. What touched me more was her devotion to her daughter, Valerie Rose. Valerie Rose was born with severe brain damage. Instead of sending her daughter off to an institution, she chose to pull back on her career and devote her time to Valerie Rose.

At first, I missed her music. Later I came to understand her decision...then admire it.
There's a really good article about her life in The Guardian. If you get a chance to read it, please do.

My life's experience has led me to two organizations that are devoted to the welfare of children, the Village and Focus Center for AutismThe Village for Families & Children, Inc., is a private, Connecticut non-profit human services agency. It is committed to building a community of strong, healthy families who protect and nurture children. Focus is a year-round licensed, clinical Extended Day Treatment Program specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents who are on the Autism Spectrum.  Among the things they do is to help children with autism learn social skills.

My part is small. What The Village and Focus are trying to do is not.

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