Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Effects of Rejection Piles Up

This morning on Morning Edition they continued their series on college grads who have been looking for work. Today they featured Melanie Singer who has been looking for work as an accountant for about a year.

Underlying the frustrations of looking for work is the damage to self esteem as the rejections (in many cases you never hear back) pile up.  "At the time, she said she always wanted to put the blame on herself when the rejections came. Was she not qualified? What could she do better? Did she do something wrong? Thinking about it now, 18 months later, Singer's eyes well up with tears."
"I feel like I've grown up now and become that independent individual," she says. "So it's a much better feeling than feeling like you're hopeless and living off someone else."
Searching for a job in this market is wearing. So many, like myself, have been underemployed or unemployed for a very long time. Employers can receive 100's of applications. Networking helps. So does a strong support group. Volunteering helps rebuild self-esteem. As do the many small jobs I've picked up. Those small jobs have come from networking and my support groups. But, nothing beats employment in the areas we've been trained for. 
There are other stories you can link to in this series.

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