Saturday, February 4, 2012

Autism's Reach

I'm interested in autism because it directly affects my family. Because of that interest I'm always looking for more information about Autism. Increasing my understanding helps me in my relationship with my family. There was recently a story on NPR about a man with Asperger's. In an interview with David Finch he relates that he did not discover his diagnosis of Asperger's until he reached 30. He's written about his life with Asperger's and how it is affecting his family. The diagnosis has opened up a lot of possibilities for him.

Further down on the page is a story about how some of those diagnosed with Asperger's are not happy about being put on the Autism Spectrum.

I'm a member of the board for Focus Center for Autism. The mission of Focus:
Specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents who are on the Autism Spectrum, have anxiety disorders, experience processing and social learning difficulties; and who are otherwise, as we like to say, "creatively wired and socially challenged".

You can find out more about Focus at their Website and on their Facebook page.

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