Moms for Clean Air has come up with a list of the top ten suspects among pollution as the cause (or causes) for autism.
Among the suspectsMoms have passion and power — an unbeatable combination. We are harnessing the strength of mother love to fight back against polluters.Moms are uniting to come out in strength for our kids’ right to clean air — just as our parents fought for us, forty years ago, to get the Clean Air Act signed into law by President Richard Nixon. Moms Clean Air Force is nonpartisan–because clean air should be more important than politics.- See more at:
- Lead
- PCP's
- Mercury
- Insecticides
- Automotive Exhaust
- Flame retardants
When I was a child there were about 3.5 billion people on this earth. Today we are approaching 7 billion. The cumulative effect of chemicals and other pollutants on the air we breath and the water we drink is exponential. There are twice as many people spilling this stuff into our air and water supply. In developing countries like China, the production of pollutants seems unbridled. The air in their big cities is unbreathable. The stuff they're putting in the air does not stay contained at their borders. Combine their pollution production with our own and the consequences seem dire.
The complete suspect list of pollutants as causes for autism is at the Moms for Clean Air website.
I'm the Development and Marketing Coordinator for the FOCUS Center for Autism in Canton, Connecticut. FOCUS Center for Autism helps children, adolescents and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders reach their full potential by providing clinical programs, community education and family support.
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