Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Autism support cut in California

The cost of treating autism can impoverish families. Health insurance is often inadequate when it comes to autism and other mental health issues. Parents are left to foot most of the bills. There are some state services available. Often, to qualify, a family must fall below certain income level.

Lack of treatment leads to unemployment and, in many cases, institutionalization at the public's expense.

The level of support in California diminished by $50 million. A fund used to treat young children with autism was cut as the state grapples with deficits. The money funded applied behavior analysis or ABA therapy.  ABA therapy can cost around $40 thousand a year. It is unclear what will happen in 2014 when Obamacare takes effect.

To find out more, please link to the article posted by Voice of OC.
Funding for Autsim Therapy Cut in California

Comments to the article so far are pitting immigration reform groups against autism advocates. Can anything positive come from unconstructive arguments meant to distract and divide?

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