Monday, January 26, 2015

The Homeless and the Blizzard of 2015

Historic Winter Storm Is A Real Emergency For New York City's Homeless

There are two stats that stand out in this article by Christopher Mathias for the Huffington Post. 
  1. There are 60,000 homeless in New York who regularly sleep in shelters. That's about as many people that live in West Hartford.
  2. There are 3,300 who sleep on the street.   
The saving grace for the homeless are Christian organizations like the Bowery Mission 
 and Trinity Lutheran Church, Trinity Lutheran has stocked enough food to feed those they serve for a couple of weeks. A lesson they learned during Sandy.
Free Photo - Street life

Monday, January 19, 2015

Autism and Chicken Soup

Understanding Ends Isolation

Being on the Autism Spectrum can be an isolating experience, but it doesn't have to be that way. 

The Chicken Soup for the Soul series now has an Autism Book. The publisher and editor-in-chief of the series Amy Newmark was recently interviewed by WTNH's Jim Watkins. 
"The 101 personal stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Raising Kids on the Spectrum create a portable support group for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder. They will see pieces of themselves reflected in the stories by other parents and also by people who have been diagnosed with autism and Asperger syndrome. This book also makes it clear that every child on the spectrum is an individual with a unique set of talents and non-neurotypical behaviors."

The Chicken Soup for the Soul company is now located in Connecticut.

Greed and extreme consumerism

Something more to ponder...
According to Oxfam, Credit Suisse and Forbes the top 1% will own more than 50% of the world's wealth by 2016.

(see more here)

The November before his death, Dr.King tied together civil and human rights with economic justice with these words: "Violence has been the inseparable twin of materialism, the hallmark of its grandeur." In other words, civil rights only addressed the tip of the iceberg. The underlying cause of brutality and psychological violence was an economic system that perpetrated and relied on economic disparity, manipulation and injustice.

Imagine what shape our economy would be in if all those who want to work had a job.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

There is no link!

Vaccines do not cause Autism

There is no link. People who continue to assert the link despite decades of evidence to the contrary are putting our children at risk all for the sake of their belief in conspiracies.

The research released in 1998 was falsified and only included 12 cases. Since then there has been a review of actual, rigorous studies. They covered over 14.7 million children finding no vaccine-autism link in any cases, as recently documented by Upworthy in its "All 7 Billion" series about global health and poverty, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Graphic by Adam Mordecai & NowSourcing, used under Creative Commons license.

Meanwhile, Measles is on the rise. "Measles cases in the U.S. reached a 20-year high last May. The CDC estimates that in 2013, 92 percent of measles cases occurred in people who weren't vaccinated."

Think of it this way. I drank milk the morning I got laid-off. If I used the logic of the conspiracy theorists about the link between vaccines and Autism...Milk causes layoffs.

For more information, click on this link.  Phony Anti-Vaccine Propaganda Is Killing U.S. Children