Saturday, January 17, 2015

There is no link!

Vaccines do not cause Autism

There is no link. People who continue to assert the link despite decades of evidence to the contrary are putting our children at risk all for the sake of their belief in conspiracies.

The research released in 1998 was falsified and only included 12 cases. Since then there has been a review of actual, rigorous studies. They covered over 14.7 million children finding no vaccine-autism link in any cases, as recently documented by Upworthy in its "All 7 Billion" series about global health and poverty, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Graphic by Adam Mordecai & NowSourcing, used under Creative Commons license.

Meanwhile, Measles is on the rise. "Measles cases in the U.S. reached a 20-year high last May. The CDC estimates that in 2013, 92 percent of measles cases occurred in people who weren't vaccinated."

Think of it this way. I drank milk the morning I got laid-off. If I used the logic of the conspiracy theorists about the link between vaccines and Autism...Milk causes layoffs.

For more information, click on this link.  Phony Anti-Vaccine Propaganda Is Killing U.S. Children

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