Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Young Adults on the Spectrum Need Support in College

Emma Nicholson's posting in the Huffington Post about her son's trials at Community College bring up the need for support and advocacy for our children once they get past high school. Her son's experience left him bewildered and afraid to go back to school.

Advocating for Your College Student With Autism

Nicholson concludes:
Transitioning to a self-advocating adult takes time for any child. To expect students with autism to miraculously and suddenly be able to do this without extra support will guarantee the failure of many. I believe a series of support programs should be introduced as part of the college curriculum giving students with disabilities the time and guidance they need to fully prepare for self-advocacy. With time, practice, and a helpful hand, students with disabilities can not only learn to speak up for themselves but learn how to appropriately handle difficult situations they may encounter in life.
Please take the time to read this article. It is offered not to discourage...but to make us aware of the challenges ahead. The accommodations of Section 504 may need our intervention to be enforced.

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