Friday, February 14, 2014

Autism Growth - Delaware's Epidemic

Working with autism: Milford schools aim to boost education, awareness of growing population

There are two statistics that stand out in an article published by The Milford Beacon.

  • The increase is diagnosis over the past 20 years is 600% nationally.
  • The increase in diagnosis over the past 20 years in Delaware is 695%!
Milford Over Represented
The Milford, Delaware School District has identified 24 students on the spectrum. According to the 2010 Census, Milford has about 1600 school age children. At the rate of one in 88 they should have 18 children on the Spectrum.

Like many districts across the country, Milford is struggling to keep up. They have four teachers certified to work with Autistic children.  Right now they're working to make all of their teachers aware of the special nature of these children. The focus is on awareness. The hope is to expand treatment. Milford also hopes to keep these children inside their system.

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