Fringe politics has a firm hold on election rhetoric. And there are plenty of people who believe this stuff. I read in the Huffington Post and Blogs from the Washington Post and CNN about Republican Rep. Allen West. He says he believes 75-plus House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. The 75+ he refers to are a part of the Progressive Caucus. It's the same rhetoric used by Joe McCarthy in the 50's. There are plenty of citizens in Wisconsin who think Joe was right. (I grew up in Wisconsin) .
And, according to a David Horsey in the LA Times, Allen West is not the only Republican embracing this. "Throughout the primary campaign, GOP presidential candidates from Michele Bachmann to Rick Santorum have talked as if the 2012 election is the nation’s last chance to save the United States from becoming a clone of the Soviet Union."
The Congressional Progressive Caucus core beliefs are:
1. Fighting for economic justice and security for all;
2. Protecting and preserving our civil rights and civil liberties;
3. Promoting global peace and security; and
4. Advancing environmental protection and energy independence
You can find out more at their Website.
Congressional Progressive Caucus
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