Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Autism Bill Proposed in Massachusetts


The bill passed the Massachusetts House 151-0.According to masslive.com the bill "would also expand eligibility for developmental services to individuals with IQs higher than 70, a current rule that Bradley said excludes many people with autism who have other developmental challenges they must overcome."

A Greater Need

The increasing diagnosis of Autism among children is moving some legislators in Massachusetts to increase services. WCVB in Boston is reporting a bill is being proposed to develop training for schools and  teachers. The bill would also provide tax exempt savings account for extended care needs.

House Speaker Robert DeLeo says in a statement, "I believe this bill is the next, crucial step to make Massachusetts the leader in caring for residents confronting autism,"

Read more: http://www.wcvb.com/health/proposed-autism-bill-to-develop-training-for-schools-teachers/25479152#ixzz2yxnMeSg9

Serving Adults

In an acknowledgement that supports are needed for individuals on the spectrum after they age out of the school system, the bill would expand eligibility for IQ-based state programs to adults with Autism.

The bill is scheduled to be debated Wednesday.

Offering Hope  

At the FOCUS Center for Autsim we provide therapy for children and young adults on the spectrum on a daily basis. We're serving over 80 children and young adults a week. That only scratches the surface. It is estimated there are over 51,000 persons on the spectrum in Connecticut alone. For many families the cost of care is out of reach. More children will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder than AIDS, cancer, and diabetes combined. Intervention and treatment offer hope for the parents and a sense of belonging among the children we serve.

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