Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Autism and Diagnosis Anxiety

Update: The date of the FOCUS Center for Autism Unplugged Panel at Northwestern Connecticut Community College in Winsted, Connecticut is being moved to April 17th. It will be at the same time and place. The Panel presentation is from 6:30p to 8:30p.

There's a lot of fear and anxiety among parents that their child might be diagnosed with Autism. Does the increased awareness of the disorder drive this? It might. Awareness should not only FOCUS on fundraising for a cure, but also on hope because there are many people who are willing to help. There are organizations who are treating the disorder so children on the spectrum can reach their full potential. Jennifer Richler wrote for Slate about Regressive Autism. Awareness about Regressive Autism increased after Ron Suskind’s essay in the New York Times Magazine about raising a son with autism: “Reaching My Autistic Son Through Disney.” Suskind's son Owen was diagnosed with Regressive Autism.
"Suskind describes how, at almost 3 years of age, his son Owen “disappeared.” The child was once “engaged, chatty, full of typical speech,” but then he stopped talking, lost eye contact, even struggled to use a sippy cup."
Richler says Regressive Autism is very rare. Because of the prevalence of Autism, parents are fearing the worst. She says Owen's story is really one of compassion and hope because of the involvement of his parents and engaged therapists.

Find Out More At The Unplugged Panel
Through treatment and therapy, children on the Autism Spectrum will surprise you with what they can accomplish. If you want to find out more...FOCUS Center for Autism will hold an Unplugged Panel at Northwestern Connecticut Community College in Winsted, Connecticut. The Autism Spectrum Unplugged travels statewide to schools, businesses and public venues to talk about their experiences of living with Autism. They have enlightened and educated over 100 audiences from Connecticut to Massachusetts and beyond. The Panel is Thursday, April 3rd at NCCC. It's free. You might want to reserve your space.
Call FOCUS at 860 693-8809.

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