Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saving Print Journalism

Two articles published by the Poynter Institute highlight aspects of efforts to save print journalism.
In signing a petition to save the The Times Picayune Garrison Keillor said, "A city without a daily paper is an office park with some malls." The owners of the Times Picayune laid-off  half the newsroom. In the second half of this year it will be published three days a week.

Newspapers are struggling mightily to survive against the Web, Social Media and mobile media as news sources. Warren Buffett bought 63 papers from Media General a few weeks ago. He has bought more since then. Buffett now owns 88. One of the papers he owns through Berkshire Hathaway, The Buffalo News, will erect a paywall for its on-line edition. 

There is speculation that Buffett would buy The Times-Picayune. Buffett acknowledged that he is following the situation in New Orleans but, he's not sure the current owners want to sell.

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