Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Did Texas Make A Mistake in Capital Case?

There's news today that another man was wrongfully put to death in Texas. Carlos de Luna was executed for the murder of convenience store clerk, Wanda Lopez, in 1989.

Questions About Another Texas Execution

In a blog from NPR's Mark McDermott is about the de Luna's case. The Columbia Law School's Columbia Human Rights Law Review has posted on-line a 400 page multi-media report that says it was a mistake to have put Carlos de Luna to death. The report concludes the case was based on one eyewitness report and de Luna was not give adequate defense.

The lead prosecutor in the case, Steve Schiwetz, has not read the review. He told the San Antonio Express-News today that he dismisses the authors' conclusions.

When I read about these cases and the reaction of prosecutors I'm always reminded of Pete Seeger performing "What did You Learn In School Today?"

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