Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Crime Rates Among Immigrants Are Low

There's a claim that immigrants are bringing high crime rates. The United States is being infested with criminals

'They're bringing drugs,' crime and are 'rapists' -Trump

"These aren't people, these are animals."  -Trump

Is it Irrational Fear? Is it political posturing? It is demonstrably false.

There's even a claim that the crime rates are way up in Germany. That's false too. According to a report published by Politifact, According to the latest government numbers that came out in May, crime in the European Union’s largest economy is down by about 9.6 percent from 2016 to 2017.  

It is also down nearly 4 percent compared to 2012. This chart shows the percentage drop in all crime, violent crime, and the three most common crimes of street crime (a catchall category that spans offenses from sexual harassment to extortion to gang violence), theft and property damage.

An article in Vox by Matthew Yglesias contends Trump's cruel immigration politics is a scam. His approach is based on big lies. Keeping immigrants out will not make us all richer and safer.